It's funny, but i've spent most of my life being "away" from something. With all the moves growing up in a military family, we were constantly saying goodbye -- always away from family or friends somewhere. Then I married the man of my dreams -- a Marine. And I learned very quickly that there was still a long road of goodbyes and separations ahead of us. I guess that's just how my life was meant to be. I'd like to think that with the separations and goodbyes, that i've grown stronger, and learned to value life and those in it more than I would have, had I not had these experiences. I've learned to cope through letters and phone calls, (skype!) and through making new friendships ... but most of all trusting that God would fill the empty part of me that comes with being "away" from those Ilove.
I've now found myself very far away from everyone I love...Baghdad. What an amazing experience though. Just like in the past, God has found a way to teach me through my experiences here, to strengthen me by what i've done and seen, and to really show me just how blessed I am to live in a free country, with a loving family and wonderful friends.
To get me through the long days here, especially when I'm feeling homesick, I tend to think of all the little thing i'm looking forward to doing when I'm finally home...things I never want to take for granted:
my siblings...I miss them. I can't wait to love on those six crazy boys and girls:)
Walks with Gus Gus...he mostly "walked" me, and now that he's huge, I know walks will be an adventure. It was the best way to end my work days though. Just me and my bud.
Cooking with we're making paella...we love to try new things. Luckily we both come from parents that love to cook as well, so we're never without good food!

The beach...there is a place on Pawley's Island near my grandparent's house. It's my favorite beach. There are so many memories there. I can't wait to go there with family again soon.

Quality time with my wonderful husband. He's been such a support through this deployment. I can't wait for all the life adventures ahead for us. I love him so much.
Time with my Mom and looking forward to seeing both of them in just over a month!

Spending some relaxing summer days with Phil's family -- can't wait to see them again, and have them down in Charleston :)
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